Who would benefit from an evaluation?

  • Anybody who is concerned about their memory and/or have risk factors to develop dementia
  • One or both of your parents or any close relatives had memory problems/dementia

What is the goal of the evaluation for Dementia prevention?

  • Evaluate your present cognitive functioning
  • Evaluate your individual risk factors, which could cause memory problems/dementia unless they are controlled or eliminated
  • Make suggestions on how you can optimize your medical and cognitive functioning
  • Providing you with an individualized risk assessment and prevention plan
  • The only risk factors that cannot be controlled/eliminated are the genetic factors

What does the evaluation consist of?

  • Complete medical history & evaluation
  • Complete cognitive & memory testing
  • Non-contrast MRI-head/SPECT and Computerized EEG
  • If you have results of previous evaluations such as lab tests, brain imaging, etc., which are less than 12 months old, we do not ask you to repeat such tests
  • If possible, you need to be accompanied by a family member or a close friend
  • Bring a list of all your medications, including vitamins, supplements, non-prescription or alternative medications (please put all these in a bag and bring them with you)
  • The evaluations can be completed in two-five hours over the course of one or two sessions